If your cat is like most cats, she spends her day catnapping, and she spends her night on the prowl. In between, you may find her doing what she does best—taking care of her rigorous, daily self-grooming schedule or lounging by the window, occasionally jumping up and down at the sight of a bird. Although she’ll do everything to convince you that she can take care of herself, she does need your help when it comes to preventing the risk of serious disease. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that because she’s an animal, she can defend herself from all forms of harm, but that’s not true.
Cat vaccines are the key to helping her stay healthy throughout her life.
You may think that many diseases are not a threat to your cat, but all diseases are a threat to an unvaccinated cat. Learning more about the diseases that vaccines keep at bay is the first step to making an informed decision about when you take your cat to the vet. So if you’re wondering what vaccines do cats need, keep reading.
Feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) belongs to the same family as canine parvovirus, that’s why it can survive for up to one year in the environment. Vaccination is essential because most cats will be exposed to FPV at some point in their life. The virus causes an abnormally low level of white blood cells. Symptoms can include listlessness, diarrhoea, vomiting, severe dehydration, fever, and death. Vaccination is the only way to make sure that your cat remains protected, typically, your cat will need one vaccination with a booster vaccine 3-4 weeks later. It is recommended that he then be vaccinated up to every 3 years.
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FIND A VETFeline herpesvirus
Feline herpesvirus causes an upper respiratory infection. The disease is caused by and also referred to, as feline herpesvirus type 1. This virus is transmitted between cats, so it’s essential to vaccinate your cat if she is around other cats. Symptoms of the infection include sneezing, loss of appetite, fever, eye and nasal discharge. Treatment for infected cats is limited. Even when a cat recovers, they become a carrier for life.
Feline calicivirus causes upper respiratory tract infections similar to feline rhinotracheitis. There are many calicivirus strains, some cause symptoms, and others do not. All are highly contagious and spread through bodily fluids. Symptoms include fever, ulcers, and blisters on the tongue and sneezing and conjunctivitis. Signs can range from mild to severe, depending on the strain of the virus present. Treatment of this disease can be difficult. Even if recovery does take place, a recovered cat can continue to infect other animals, as well as experience chronic sneezing, runny eyes and severe gum disease. Vaccination is important.
Rabies is 100% fatal and 100% preventable. For this reason, the rabies vaccine for cats is essential in countries where vaccination is mandatory, where a risk occurs, and, in the UK, for cats that travel abroad. This viral disease affects the central nervous system of almost all mammals, including humans. Rabies spreads through contact with the saliva of infected animals (which can include jackal, foxes, meerkats, and bats) through bites or any break in the skin. Vaccination will provide cats with much higher resistance to rabies if they are exposed to the disease. Once rabies is transmitted, there is no cure. Many countries require that all cats receive rabies vaccinations regularly. Proof of vaccination is required for travel and boarding. It’s essential to protect your cat against this deadly disease.

Feline leukaemia virus is a virus that suppresses a cat’s immune system placing the cat at higher risk for many other cancers, anaemia, immune-mediated diseases, reproductive issues, and intestinal inflammation. Seemingly healthy cats can carry and transmit the virus through saliva, along with other bodily fluids such as tears, urine, and even faeces because sometimes signs of infection may take months to years to appear. As a result, the virus can and does easily spread, making it one of the biggest threats for illness and deaths in unvaccinated cats. The feline leukaemia vaccination is recommended only for uninfected cats so your cat should be tested for the virus before vaccination.

This bacterial infection affects the membrane around the eyes, causing conjunctivitis. It may also affect the upper respiratory tract (the nose, sinuses, and throat). The disease is highly contagious, especially among kittens. Although the vaccine does not completely protect cats from infection, it can reduce the severity and likelihood of infection.
When it comes to keeping your cat healthy throughout her life, cat vaccines offer defence against the threat of serious disease. Talk to your vet about your cat’s habits and lifestyle so that together you can determine which vaccines will benefit your cat and you and your family for the journey of their lifetime.